Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Changes durring puberty

The pituitary gland has a hude part in puberty and having changes in the body. The pituitary gland sends out a message letting the ovaries and testes know that they have to make their own hormones. Also thse hormones effect the reproductive system which changes the body. Some changes people going through puberty might notice are: New hairgrowth, meaning underarms, facial and private areas. Also there are more oils in your skin causing many kids to break out in pimples. Feet, hands and other body parts grow ahead of your body making some kids a little clumsy at first but when they grow into it they should be just fine. Also note that there is an increase in sweating; there is an increase in sweating because they have to burn off what they eat and it cools them down. Vocie will change; girls will sound more lady like and richer and boy will have a deeper voice that will occasionally crack. Also girls will develop bigger breast as boys will develop largers penis'. Girls body makes estrogene that tells the body its time to chande into a women. For guys they develop testosterone which means that they can get a girl pregnant.


Puberty is universally known as the change from a childs body to an adults body.Girls start puberty a little early then boys; the average age is any where from 8 years old to 13 as a starting time. For boys its more like 10 to 15 or even later for some. (Note it is different for everyone). Girls stop puberty at around 15 to 17 and boys end around 17 to 18 years of age. The pituitary glands plays a huge part in puberty because it sends out hormones letting the testes and ovaries know that they have to make there own hormones. Theses hormones are going to cause the body to change because it is part the reproductive system.Some.

Sex glands in males

The testes make sperm and testosterone.Testosterone is the main hormone in males it is responsible for all the sexual characteristics on a boy going through puberty.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sex glands in females

Ovaries are found only in females and they make hormones that turn little girls into mature women. Deep inside the ovaries are eggs and when the eggs mature female sax hormones are made.These hormones are called estrogene and progesterone; but the main female hormone is estrongene. This makes female sex characteristics like breasts this happens durring puberty.Both of these hormones play a huge part in pregnancy. The mammary glandis located in womens breasts.All the mammary gland is there for is to produce milk for new born childrene.Breast milk has all the nutriuents a baby needs to become fully developed.  

Abdominal glands

The adrenal glands (endocrine) it is made of two glands, one inside the other.The inner part of does two glands make the "fight or flight". The "fight or flight" is basically an adrenaline rush; adrenaline is pumped into your stored up enrgy giveing you power to fight or run away if neccesary. The outer part of these two glands controles the way your body controls carbohydrates, proteins, and fat. Also they can control the balance on mineralsand water in your body. Next we have the pancreasand the pancreas makes makes hormones from the food that you have digested or eaten. The pancreas' most important hormone is insulin; insulin basically controlls the way your body uses sugar. When the pancreas does not make enough insulin it results in diabetes.When you have diabetes it is difficult to control the way you balance sugar in your blood stream. 

Glands in the neck

The thyroid gland and also the parathyroid gland are found at the bottom of your throat. The thyroid is an endocrine gland... this makes hormones that is going to effect growth rate and also the ammount of energy that a person has. It will either burn up energy fast or slow down to store energy. The parathyroid gland is broken up in four small glands which are found right underneath the thyroid. The poarathyroid effects the ammount of minerals found in you bones and blood.  

Monday, April 25, 2011

Glands and there location

There are two different types of glands in the endocrine; the first one is endocrine. Endocrine glands make hormones that go into your body. The other type is, exocrine; exocrine glands are outside of your body. Hormones are basically the messenger in the human body. Hormone levels can be effected by all sorts of things (even stress). The "boss" of the glands or the "Master gland" is called the pituitary gland.This is located on the bottom of your brain.This gland is so important because it tells when and also how much of every hormone to make. Also the growth hormone is probably the most important hormone of the pituitary gland. The way that this hormone effects the body is because it can effect the size and shape of your bones so it effects your height.The ammount of hormones effects the size of the person: Small ammount=shorter and large ammount= taller.

Also the penil gland controls sleep regulation and the thymus gland makes white blood cells.
You can see that the pineal gland is at the bottom of your brain.
You can see her that the thymmus is located in your neack right next to your thyroid.