Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Changes durring puberty

The pituitary gland has a hude part in puberty and having changes in the body. The pituitary gland sends out a message letting the ovaries and testes know that they have to make their own hormones. Also thse hormones effect the reproductive system which changes the body. Some changes people going through puberty might notice are: New hairgrowth, meaning underarms, facial and private areas. Also there are more oils in your skin causing many kids to break out in pimples. Feet, hands and other body parts grow ahead of your body making some kids a little clumsy at first but when they grow into it they should be just fine. Also note that there is an increase in sweating; there is an increase in sweating because they have to burn off what they eat and it cools them down. Vocie will change; girls will sound more lady like and richer and boy will have a deeper voice that will occasionally crack. Also girls will develop bigger breast as boys will develop largers penis'. Girls body makes estrogene that tells the body its time to chande into a women. For guys they develop testosterone which means that they can get a girl pregnant.

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