Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Abdominal glands

The adrenal glands (endocrine) it is made of two glands, one inside the other.The inner part of does two glands make the "fight or flight". The "fight or flight" is basically an adrenaline rush; adrenaline is pumped into your stored up enrgy giveing you power to fight or run away if neccesary. The outer part of these two glands controles the way your body controls carbohydrates, proteins, and fat. Also they can control the balance on mineralsand water in your body. Next we have the pancreasand the pancreas makes makes hormones from the food that you have digested or eaten. The pancreas' most important hormone is insulin; insulin basically controlls the way your body uses sugar. When the pancreas does not make enough insulin it results in diabetes.When you have diabetes it is difficult to control the way you balance sugar in your blood stream. 

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